A Reason To Rejoice

Silhouette Photography Of Jump Shot Of Two Persons

In March 2015, I had the privilege of becoming an aunt.  I hadn’t spent a lot of time around babies, so I confess I was intimidated by this new little life, but it didn’t take long for her to win my heart and unlock a whole new capacity to love that I didn’t realize was inside.  It’s been such a joy to watch her grow and as anyone who spends time around children knows, they can teach us a lot.

She’s three years old now and runs around with boundless energy as most kids that age do. As I think back to visits with her when she was learning to walk, I remember standing over her and holding her tiny little fingers in my hands to support her as she took those early steps.  Some were steady.  Others were shaky.  Regardless, I had so much joy and excitement over her every move.

One day when we were strolling along, the verse in Zephaniah that says the Lord “rejoices over us with gladness” came to mind and it suddenly made perfect sense.  I know, I know…Zephaniah isn’t most people’s go-to thought during toddler time, nor is it typically mine, but there’s no circumstance that God can’t use to teach what he wants us to know.

The joy I felt literally standing over my niece, God feels exponentially more over his children. Can you picture it…our Heavenly Father standing over us, taking our tiny hands in his mighty and loving hands, and supporting us as we move through life?  Some of our steps are steady and some are extremely shaky, but he remains faithfully by our side, not just tolerating us but rejoicing over us as we look to him and trust him as he leads.

I won’t pretend that it always feels like he’s right here and it certainly doesn’t always feel like he’s rejoicing over us.  However, feelings don’t dictate truth.  In those moments of doubt, we must fight to take him at his Word. When it feels like we’re walking alone, battle to believe that there is absolutely no place we can go where his hands won’t hold and lead us (Psalm 139:7-10).  When we don’t feel secure, take courage that there is absolutely nothing that can snatch us from his hands (John 10:28).  When we feel our feet slipping, find comfort in the fact that his unfailing love is there to support us (Psalm 94:18).  When we all out stumble and fall, be assured that he offers forgiveness to repentant hearts and lifts up the humble (Psalm 103:2-13, 147:6). When we feel afraid, have confidence that will help us (Isaiah 41:13). When there doesn’t appear to be much reason to rejoice, remember that he delights in us like any good father…simply because we are his children. Children clothed in the righteousness of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21).

So, walk on and rejoice that you are rejoiced over.

“The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.” ~ Zephaniah 3:17



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