Michelle Simmons

Hi friend!
Allow me to introduce myself.

I’m Michelle.

In my day to day, you’ll find me working with numbers and data. Even though I have a degree in accounting, and an analytical brain, I’ve always enjoyed writing and have been writing and journaling in some form throughout my life. As a young girl, I remember writing little stories. As I’ve grown, it’s become more about recording the story God is writing in my life and the things I’m learning along the way. 

I’m so very fortunate to say that I can’t remember a time in my life when I haven’t known the name Jesus. I was blessed to grow up in a Christian family. In fact, my grandma made birthday cakes for Jesus at Christmas and the family would gather around to sing Happy Birthday. 

Michelle Simmons Baby

I attended a Christian school from kindergarten through 8th grade where seeds of faith took root in my soul, and I came to understand that Jesus didn’t just want me to know his name, he wanted to cleanse me from my sin and enter into a relationship with me.

As a young girl, I accepted that invitation. 

Oh I wish that younger me would have grasped that my decision meant I was free from trying to be perfect. That insecurity and self-doubt did not have to paralyze and silence me. That I am a child of God.

Yet, my teens and 20’s were spent living under the bondage of perfectionism and never feeling good enough. 

As I entered my 30’s, God started to bring me into a deeper, more personal relationship with him. He began to slowly chip away at lies and insecurities that were holding me hostage and to grow me in the grace of the Gospel.  I’m still a work in progress, but today I consider myself a recovering perfectionist and every day I’m amazed at how God continues to transform me and fill me with a strength and confidence that my younger self has never known. 

In 2018, I started a blog to share what God is teaching me about life and faith in hopes that he may use my words to bring hope and encouragement to others. 

I’m extremely honored you’ve taken a few minutes of your day to allow me to speak into your life. I sincerely desire for God to use this space to uplift and inspire you to remember God in your everyday moments.


And for a little fun,

        here are 10 random facts about me:

  • I’m a born and raised South Carolina girl.
  • My favorite person is my niece.
  • I once had double-jaw surgery 4 days before Thanksgiving.
  • I played the piano for 11 years.
  • If I could do anything and could not fail, I’d be a songwriter.
  • I have a Master’s Degree in Accounting from Clemson University. Go Tigers!
  • Being outside brings me joy.
  • I love water of any kind…lake, beach, river, pool.
  • Years ago, I ran a couple half marathons and completed two sprint triathlons. I still enjoy staying active by running, walking, and working out.
  • I hate being rushed.
Michelle Simmons