Awaiting the Final Finish

Running Field Photography

It is finished. Those three little words can generate such a sense of satisfaction.  Maybe it’s a project we’ve poured hours into or a race that demanded months of training. Perhaps it’s just another load of laundry or making it through a Monday.  Whatever it is, finishing something carries with it a rush of relief and accomplishment.

I love that rush.  Yes, I’m one of those people who finds great joy in checking something off a list and seeing things get wrapped up all nice and tidy in the proverbial box. The problem is, life is not tidy and more often than not, what remains unfinished far exceeds that which is finished.  I’m sure you’ve experienced it…the endless cycle of work, chores, errands, appointments, emails, and projects. While thankfully we do experience sweet moments of completion embedded in the day-to-day, the overarching reality is that because we’re limited to 24 hours in a day, there will always be things left undone and more work to do.  While this keeps us on our toes and engaged in life, it can also create significant angst and tension in our hearts and minds.

So, where do we go with that? Years ago, I heard a pastor of mine say that we must trust Jesus with what’s undone. That stuck with me and I frequently find myself needing to redirect my anxious thoughts into the prayer, “Jesus, help me trust you with what’s undone.”  If he can perfectly finish the work of atonement for our sins (John 19:30), there is nothing in our lives that he can’t bring to completion. It doesn’t always happen in 24-hour segments, so it takes a conscious effort to turn over that incomplete to-do list to his care and rest in his faithfulness.

Many times, I see him provide for the completion of something.  Other times, he simply gives peace to let it go and accept the incomplete.  He doesn’t guarantee that all our work in this life will be wrapped up in a perfect little box.  However, he does guarantee that his work in us will be brought to completion one glorious day.  On that day, we too will be able to utter one final “it is finished.”

 “I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Christ Jesus.” ~ Philippians 1:6

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