Can You Trust Your Anchor?

Can You Trust Your Anchor?

I wrote most of this post during the summer. I’ve experienced the truth of this post this fall. In late October, my sister-in-law became critically ill and has spent weeks in the ICU. She’s made miraculous improvement but the road to full recovery is long and uncertain. It’s one thing to know God is an anchor. It’s quite another to experience it. I don’t know what I’d do without Him. The hope available through Jesus and his promises is indeed a “sure and steadfast anchor of the soul.” He holds friends. Even in the hardest of conditions, we can trust him to never fail.

I joined a boat club at a nearby lake several years ago. What’s a boat club you ask? Simply the best way to enjoy all the fun of boating with none of the hassle. You show up, step on your reserved boat, head out on the water, then dock and walk away when you’re done. No trailering. No launching. No maintenance. None of the stressful parts of boat ownership are your responsibility. It’s great!

I just have one minor issue. The anchors. They don’t actually hold.

Now, I get it. If the club were to provide traditional anchors that dig into the ground, they’d risk members getting stuck because of hooks entangled on debris at the bottom of the lake. So, they provide light mushroom-shaped anchors. If there’s no wind or wake from other boaters, then you’ve got a shot at remaining secure. Otherwise, the best they will do is slow your drift.

Let’s face it, an anchor you can’t depend on…that’s simply no anchor at all.

When I drop an anchor, I want to know it will keep me secure and stable. I want to rest knowing I’m held fast regardless of the conditions around me. That’s what an anchor is supposed to do, right?

As I’ve processed my longing for a reliable anchor, God has drawn me to Hebrews 6:13-20.

This section of Scripture emphasizes the certainty of God’s promises. God is Holy so he cannot sin and because he cannot sin, he cannot lie.  His very character assures he will never deceive or change his mind.

Hebrews 6:19 describes the hope and stability available to us through Jesus and his promises as a “sure and steadfast anchor of the soul.”

Christians can have confidence that Jesus himself anchors us to heaven where he intercedes for us and offers us mercy and grace. (Hebrews 4:14-16, 7:25) Nothing can change that. This hope is immovable because God is immovable.

When waves of worry and uncertainty ripple across our mind, our souls can remain affixed to the Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 26:3)

When storms roll in and fear consumes us, we have assurance that the God who has authority over the storm is in the boat with us. (Luke 8:22-25) Our boat may shake. Our world may feel unstable. But he will never abandon our soul. As Psalm 16:8 says, “because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.” The promise of his presence and ultimate salvation can calm our souls and keep us secure and stable even as storms rage around us.

Anyone or anything other than Jesus will ultimately prove to be an imposter anchor, like my feeble little boat club device. Sure, this world’s anchors may provide short-term stability, but they lack a long-term guarantee to never fail.

The hard truth is…
Other people will let you down.
Employers can let you go.
Bank accounts can dwindle.
Health can decline.
Possessions can be lost, stolen, or destroyed.

So, choose wisely what anchors your soul.

Only God and his promises hold forever.

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