Don’t Be Afraid To Shine

Photo by Counselling

We took our seats. The room filled and conversations flowed as attendees passed the time before the event. With roughly half an hour to wait, my friend and I chatted away, as did a group of young women sitting in the row before us. On that same row, directly ahead of me, sat a young lady who had come alone.

To be honest, I was so wrapped up in my excitement and conversation that I didn’t even notice the silence in the seat in front of me. However, one of the girls from the group nearby heard that silence and saw someone who needed a friend. She rose from her seat, made her way down the row, and extended an invitation to join them.

That, I did notice. I can’t speak for her motives, but I’m pretty sure her intent for reaching out was not to be noticed by me or anyone else around her. However, in a world full of selfishness and division, acts of kindness like this shine bright against the darkness. I was drawn to this light and my heart melted at the graciousness of this woman who had eyes to see someone the rest of us had overlooked and who risked the comfort of her social circle to show God’s love to a neighbor.

I think one of the reasons this touched me so deeply is because I’ve been that girl who showed up alone. I’ve also experienced that moment when someone reached out and invited me in. It meant the world to me. Yet, when I have opportunities to do the same for others, I often let busyness, comfort, or fear of what others might think hold me back from showing love to those around me.

That night, I admired the courage of this stranger and rejoiced as she reflected El-Roi, “the God who sees me” (Genesis 16:13) and lived out His command to love one another (Matthew 22:34-40, 1 John 3:23-24). But more than admiration, I felt inspired.

I too want to be a light that pushes back the darkness of this world. What I witnessed that evening reminded me that shining doesn’t have to be complicated or a grand, impressive gesture. Seeing people as God does is a big deal. A kind hello, a warm smile, or an invitation to connect could be just what someone needs to feel seen and loved.

Yes, it will likely require some bravery and pushing past insecurities, but let’s not be afraid to shine. Especially now. We never know who else may see our glow and be inspired to go light up their world, bringing even more glory to God.


  1. Valerie Hise on July 16, 2021 at 9:11 am

    I love this, Michelle! Thanks once again for using your writing talent to challenge and bless others. ❤

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