Freedom in Dependence

Silhouette Photo of Woman Against during Golden Hour

“I Can Do It By Myself!” That’s what the character of one of my favorite childhood books proclaimed as she learned to self-sufficiently navigate the world. Back then, this mentality was simply a celebration of natural developmental milestones.  Yet, all these years later, I still catch myself making this same declaration.  Unfortunately, clinging to the “I got this myself…thank you very much” mindset into adulthood wreaks havoc when it comes to our relationship with God.

Why? Because God designed us to need him. The problem is, having to admit we don’t have the knowledge, strength, or the resources to handle a situation threatens our prideful hearts and independent selves.  So, we hold tight to our idols of pride and self-sufficiency, carrying loads we were never meant to bear alone. We may be able to trudge along in self-reliance for a while, but as Jonah warned, “those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs” (Jonah 2:8).

When we cling to our independence, we forfeit the help of God who is fully sufficient and relentlessly willing to meet every need and carry every burden.  After all, he has already met our greatest need, that of salvation from sin, and all of Scripture testifies of his faithfulness in aiding his people. There is no cry too great or too small and no person too noble or seemingly insignificant. From King David to a blind beggar, he extends mercy and grace to those who look to him for help (Psalm 40, Luke 18:35-43).

A simple prayer I’m learning to pray as I become convicted of slipping into “Miss Independent” mode, is “God, help me let you take care of me.” It’s just a humble cry of surrender to a loving Father acknowledging He is greater and I’m looking to him to:

  • Orchestrate my circumstances to provide in a way I never could
  • Provide other people to help where I lack knowledge and ability
  • Grant wisdom
  • Empower me with strength beyond myself
  • Fill me with his hope, joy, peace, and patience
  • Increase my faith in the midst of doubts and unbelief
  • Cover me with forgiveness and his righteousness

As he answers, it becomes clear that freedom can actually be found in dependence when the one we’re depending on is God.  He lifts the weight that comes with trying to navigate through life on our own.

So, when the world screams self-reliance and our hearts shout along with cries of self-sufficiency, may he continually draw us back to the truth that “we have the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles for us” (2 Chronicles 32:8). He never gets tired of hearing us echo the words penned long ago by hymn writer Annie Hawks:

“I need Thee, oh, I need Thee; Every hour I need Thee;

Oh, bless me now, my Savior! I come to Thee.”

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