Hello Lord, It’s Me Again

Hello Lord It's Me Again

I’m a child of the ’80’s when rotary phones and Precious Moments were mainstays of home décor.

If you’re wondering what in the world are Precious Moments, they’re hand-painted porcelain figurines of children with teardrop-shaped eyes portraying everyday moments and special occasions that emerged as popular gift giving and collecting items during the late ’70s. 

On the wall of my childhood bedroom hung a picture depicting a little Precious Moments boy seated on a stool with a tear falling from his eye as he dialed a rotary phone to God. He began his phone call with the words, Hello Lord, It’s Me Again

I hadn’t thought about that picture in years, but the Lord brought this image to mind one morning as I read Psalm 116:1-2.

“I love the LORD, because he has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy. Because he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live.” (ESV)

In our culture, calling someone for help again and again may make us feel weak or bothersome, but it’s quite the opposite in God’s Kingdom.

Because of the LORD’s willingness to hear his voice and turn his ear toward his pleas, the Psalmist resolved to call on God all the days of his life.

And that’s exactly what God wants. 

All throughout God’s Word, we bump up against God instructing his people to call to Him and we also read the honest cries of people doing just that.

You see, repetitive need for God is expected and encouraged. There is nothing shameful about calling on God again and again and again. 

The LORD never sees your metaphorical name pop up and groan not her again! He is never too busy to hear what’s on your heart. He is never exhausted by your need.

He doesn’t just hear you; he’s inclined toward you. He willingly leans in to listen and looks upon you with favor, not annoyance.

He wants to take away the burden of trying to manage life on your own. 

I don’t know what your Hello Lord, It’s Me Again cry is today. Maybe you need wisdom for a decision you’re facing. Perhaps you’re dealing with a financial struggle or a physical challenge or a broken relationship. It could be there’s an area you need to confess and receive his forgiveness. Maybe you need him to fill you with hope and peace. 

Whatever it is, God’s inviting you to call to him in prayer and share it with him.

Now, he may not swoop in and fix everything how and when you think he should.  I’ve made many pleas, as I’m sure you have, where I haven’t yet seen the response I long for, but perceived inaction by you does not indicate disregard to your plea by God. 

Recount all the times he’s come through for you before, fight to believe he hears you now, and keep bringing him your heart.

May his past faithfulness resolve you to call on him again…and again…and again…for as long as you live.


  1. Valerie Hise on December 4, 2023 at 10:49 pm

    Michelle, I love this!
    Very well written and thought provoking. Sometimes I extrapolate human failure and sin onto my view of God and forget that His love is perfect, unlike our human love, And through Christ’s blood, His mercy and patience with His children is endless.
    Thanks for this awesome reminder 🩷

    • Michelle Simmons on December 5, 2023 at 8:57 pm

      Thanks Valerie! Same with me. Well said. I need this reminder too ❤️

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