Lest I Forget…He’s Here

Snow Covered Mountain during Sunrise

There is a certain spot on my drive to work that I love.  Approaching downtown Greenville on I-385, there is a stretch of road where on a clear day, I can see the mountains in the distance.  Seeing them along the morning horizon, standing there so tall and mighty, is a sight that never gets old.

However, on a cloudy day, I would never know they are there.  On those days, even though I can’t see them behind the clouds, it doesn’t mean they cease to exist.  They remain as majestic, strong, and beautiful as ever.  Sometimes their glory is just hidden for a while.

Oh, do you see the parallels to faith? Some days it’s easy to believe God’s promises that He is always here (Deuteronomy 31:8, Matthew 28:20, John 14:18).  The days are sunny.  Life is going well.  On the other hand, there are days when clouds roll in and doubts fog up my mind.  Where is He? Why does He seem so silent?  The truth is that just because I can’t always see God, it doesn’t mean He isn’t here.  He never moves.  He never changes. He remains majestic, strong, and beautiful despite how things appear.  On those cloudy days, may He grant eyes of faith to see His glory despite the haze so like Moses, I may “persevere because I see him who is invisible.” (Hebrews 11:27)


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