Restless Soul

Photo by Hernan Pauccara on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Recently, I found a folder on my computer with some words I tucked away a decade ago.

2012 was a difficult year for me and in the hardest times of life, writing has been one of my greatest sources of comfort. It’s an outlet to process emotions my lips don’t know how to speak and a way to pray when I feel dry.

I wrote a lot that year. Most of it just between me and God.

But, I felt led to share one of the writings I found with you. It felt fresh to me, particularly with all we’ve been through over the past couple years, and I have a sneaking suspicion it might hit home with you too.

If it does, I pray the Lord rules your anxious heart with his peace and stills your restless soul with his love.

Restless Soul

Feeling trapped in space I once felt free
All these questions so unsettling
And even standing in the summer’s heat
I still feel winter’s wind blowing over me

But this is not what you intend for me
So rule this anxious heart with your peace
Set my mind on things above
And still my restless soul with your love

This fickle heart so quickly it does swing
From faith so true to doubt and unbelief
And fear of what lies down the road ahead
Makes dark the light by which these feet are led

But this is not what you intend for me
So rule this anxious heart with your peace
Set my mind on things above
And still my restless soul with your love


  1. debbieextein on February 25, 2022 at 6:39 am

    Thank you for sharing that today. I shared it with my daughters.

    • Michelle Simmons on February 25, 2022 at 12:23 pm

      You’re very welcome! Thanks for sharing ❤️

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