Silence over Suggestions

Photo by raiKom

I like to offer God suggestions about how my life should go, which is rather silly when I stop and think about it. As if the Creator of the Universe needs my opinion on what’s best for me. Yet day by day, hour by hour, sometimes even minute by minute, I try to convince God that He should go along with my plan.

But, God won’t be manipulated into doing things my way, which is a really great thing, even though it doesn’t always feel that way in the moment. Because he knows what I don’t know and sees beyond what I can see, he is a working out a greater plan than my limited mind could dare to suggest.

One of my favorite reminders of this is found in Exodus 14.  Having been released from their bondage in Egypt, the people of Israel were fleeing towards the Red Sea.  However, as they journeyed, the Lord again hardened Pharaoh’s heart and he began to pursue the Israelites to the tune of over six hundred chariots and an army of officers (Exodus 14:4-9).

As Pharaoh and his army approached, the people were filled with tremendous fear as they saw the Egyptians marching after them. This wasn’t in their plan. What was God doing? They cried out to Moses with their own suggestion. “What have you done to us in bringing us out of Egypt? For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness” (Exodus 14:10-12).

Moses’ response is one of my favorites in all of Scripture. He confidently comforted their terrified and doubting souls with these words:

“Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today…The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent” (Exodus 14:13a, 14).

Silence. God didn’t need their suggestions or their plan. What he wanted was still, silent hearts that simply trusted him and confidently stood on his promises.  Their job was to humble themselves under his greater plan, stop whining, and move forward in faith that the Lord was fighting for them as they walked in his way (Exodus 14:15-20).

As they crossed the Red Sea on dry ground and then watched as the waters returned to destroy the Egyptians pursuing them, it was abundantly clear that God indeed had fought for his people.

While it’s unlikely that we will see God fight for us by parting a sea, we have something greater…the Cross.  It was there that he declared eternal victory over our enemies of sin, Satan, and death and invited us into his family.

He is forever FOR us (Psalm 56:9b), not against us, working for our best and his glory even amidst the “God, what are you doing?” cries and suggestions that spring from confused lips.

There will always be things we don’t understand and circumstances we don’t like. While it is good to talk with God about such things, what we often really need is to stop talking and to just be still and silent before Him.

Consider his past acts of provision and protection.

Dwell on the fact the He is God, altogether wise and powerful.

Trust his plans and purposes are good even when they don’t make sense.

Then move forward in faith believing that he is working on our behalf as we walk in his ways.




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