Michelle Simmons
Hello and Welcome!

I’m Michelle

I’m super excited you stopped by. 

If you’re like me, you probably have a lot on your mind. There’s that endless to-do list, family demands, work deadlines, appointments to keep, and the list goes on and on. Remembering everything you need to make it from one end of the day to the other can be exhausting.

Trying to remember God during the course of your day too…is that even possible?

It is indeed possible.

Remembering God in Everyday Moments

Spending intentional time with God is extremely important. But, God doesn’t want you to forget him once you close your Bible and say “Amen.”

He is always present and powerfully relevant to every moment of your day. If you're watchful, the very things you encounter in the chaos of everyday life can serve as signals to point you back to God. 

My desire for this space is to motivate you to remember God in the craziness of your own daily life. It doesn’t have to be complicated.

God is ready and willing to help you remember him through things you

I pray that by sharing how God has met me in my everyday moments, you will be inspired to remember him in yours.

We can do this together.

So go ahead. Browse around and take a little encouragement with you when you leave.

- Michelle

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Single Girl's Sidebar

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Michelle Simmons